
Upload and Submit your sketch,
old piece or new piece below.

Spray, Inspire & BOMB.


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    INSTAGRAM Profile name

    To prepare new train art for uploading: save as a 72 dpi RGB jpg, the final image size is 2528 pixels by 410 pixels and the maximum file size is 5mb. You can either “drag and drop” your train image to the gray rectangle box above or you can “select image” from your desktop and upload the image.


    Community guidelines

    What are Community Guidelines and how do they differ from Terms of Use?

    We want to continue to be a safe place for inspiration and expression. Our Community Guidelines set out our policies for what we do and don’t allow on in order to achieve this. Our Terms of Use, on the other hand, are an agreement, outlining our obligations to you and your obligations to us (one of which is to not violate our (Community Guidelines). Read our Terms of Use

    What do our Community Guidelines cover?
    We want to continue to be a safe place for inspiration and expression. Our Community Guidelines set out our policies for what we do and don’t allow on in order to achieve this. Our Terms of Use, on the other hand, are an agreement, outlining our obligations to you and your obligations to us (one of which is to not violate our Community Guidelines).
    Who decides what the Community Guidelines should cover?

    Intellectual Property - Making sure you have the rights to post the content you share.

    Appropriate Imagery - We don’t allow pornography on, with some exceptions, like photos nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.

    Spam - This is not allowed on (creating or submitting unwanted email, comments, likes or other forms of commercial or harassing communications).

    Illegal Content - We don’t allow support or praise of terrorism, organized crime or hate groups on Offering sexual services and selling firearms and drugs are also prohibited.

    Hate Speech, Bullying and Abuse - We remove credible threats of violence, hate speech and the targeting of private individuals. We do not allow attacks or abuse based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability or disease.

    Self Injury - We do not allow glorification or encouragement of self-injury, including eating disorders. We do allow content that references self-injury and eating disorders if it is for the purpose of creating awareness or signposting support.

    Graphic Violence - Graphic violence is not allowed and we may remove videos or images of intense, graphic violence to make sure that stays appropriate for everyone. If shared in relation to important and newsworthy events, and this imagery is shared to condemn or raise awareness and educate, it may be allowed.

    I think a photo I’ve seen on breaks the Community Guidelines. What should I do?
    We want to continue to be a safe place for inspiration and expression. Our Community Guidelines set out our policies for what we do and don’t allow on in order to achieve this. Our Terms of Use, on the other hand, are an agreement, outlining our obligations to you and your obligations to us (one of which is to not violate our Community Guidelines). Contact us to submit your concerns.
    What happens if somebody breaches the Community Guidelines?
    We want to continue to be a safe place for inspiration and expression. Our Community Guidelines set out our policies for what we do and don’t allow on in order to achieve this. Our Terms of Use, on the other hand, are an agreement, outlining our obligations to you and your obligations to us (one of which is to not violate our Community Guidelines). Contact us to submit your concerns.
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